
The Sensor collection manages Sensors for Locations associated with the DataService. Sensor access is restricted to Central Service Users with permissions for the Sensor and to the Admin who owns the Sensor.

Post Timeseries Datapoints

This stores datapoints in the timeseries of the specified Sensorpoint.

The first datapoint that is posted to the uuid defines the datatype for all further timeseries datapoints e.g. if the first datapoint posted to a certain uuid is a int then all further datapoints have to be ints.

POST /api/sensor/timeseries

Within a singe POST request data can be posted to multiple sensor points. The format for each sensor point in the list should be as follows.

JSON Parameters:
  • data (list of dictionaries) – Contains the information of the tag to be added to the sensor.
    • sensor_id (string) – UUID of the sensor to which data has to be posted

    • samples (list) – A list of the data points that have to be added to the time-series of the sensor point given by sensor_id. Each item in the list has the following information:
      • time (timestamp) – Unix timestamp of a sampling

      • value (int/float) – Sensor value

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is posted successfully otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/sensor/timeseries HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

{ "data":     [

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Read Timeseries Datapoints

This retreives a list of datapoints for the timeseries of the specified Sensorpoint

GET /sensor/<sensor-uuid>/timeseries?start_time=<start_timestamp>&end_time=<end_timestamp>&resolution=<resolution_units>
  • sensor-uuid (string) – UUID associated with Sensor (compulsory)

  • start_time (integer) – The starting point of time from which the timeseries data of this sensor point is desired. Has to be a UNIX timestamp. (compulsory)

  • end_time (integer) – The ending point of time till which the timeseries data of this sensor point is desired. Has to be a UNIX timestamp.(compulsory)

  • resolution (string) – The resolution of the data required. If not specified will retrieve all the datapoints over the specified interval. Has to be specified in the format time units as an integer + unit identifier e.g. 10s,1m,1h etc. (optional)

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is retrieved succesfully otherwise ‘False’

  • data (struct) – Contains the series
    • series (list) – Contains the timeseries data, uuid of the sensor and the column names for the timeseries data

    • columns (list) – Contains the names of the columns of the data that is present in the timeseries

    • name (string) – uuid of the sensor whose data is being retrieved

    • values (list) – Contains the list of timeseries data that has been requested in the order represented by the columns.

Status Codes:

Note: Both interval and resolution are specified with the time value appended by the type of the value e.g. 10s for 10 seconds or 10m for 10 minutes.

Example request:

GET /sensor/<sensor-uuid>/timeseries?start_time=1445535722&end_time=1445789516&resolution=10s HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "data": {
    "series": [
        "columns": [
        "name": "35b137b2-c7c6-4608-8489-1c3f0ee7e2d5",
        "values": [